Burj Al Arab World 7-Star Hotel

Burj Al Arab or Burj Khalifa is a hotel in dubai Arab emirates. It is 1053 feet tall, it is listed at number 4th in world tallest buildings. Burj Al Arab is situated on an artificially created island which is about 920 feet vast, connecting Jumeirah beach to private curving bridge. The shape of the Burj Al Arab is taken from the mimic of the sail of a ship.
It is rated as world 7-star hotel. And is luxurious in every possible way. It has a helipad, a tennis court, a swimming pool, an underground fish aquarium where people can dine and sit. It is one great places in the world to visit. People come from all over the world just to see this luxurious hotel. It costs almost 20,000$ a night to stay in Burj Al Arab.
Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab
 Burj Al Arab beautiful view
Burj Al Arab - Burj Al Arab
Burj Al Arab Highest tennis court